Welcome, MWAG has been formed to represent our vulnerable rural communities throughout East Lindsey, to collectively respond to the unprecedented number of large scale Industrial Wind Farms and numerous individual Turbine planning applications, right across Lincolnshire's valued Marsh and Wolds countryside.
This sequential 'invasion' by extremely well resourced and powerful developer's, is threating to significantly change the essential character of the open big skies and stunning wide vistas Lincolnshire is renowned for, as well as establishing a huge wind farm landscape, from where many rural residents or valued visitors will in effect, not be 'out of sight' of the wind turbines proliferating across the countryside.
Even the offshore turbines are having wide ranging impacts on the cherished views from the Lincolnshire Wolds AONB and across the low lying flat Marsh countryside.
Here you can follow the very latest developments in the fight against this 'windfarm invasion'.
MWAG collectively consider that the extensive harm this will cause, is not out weighed by any perceived benefit of an limited amount of intermittent power production.
Click here to view the very latest details and status of all of the developments, so you can see how this is affecting you and your homes!
Please register on MWAG's confidential forum where you can directly communicate with MWAG and other concerned residents.
If you have any information you think we should know about or you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Once registered as a member you
will become part of our confidential exchange forum, you can then keep
up to date with the very latest progress.
Register on our Forum today!
Find out how close each
individual windfarm sites are
situated to your property:
View the full list of planned sites
Click Here